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new hampshire puc docket searchstate policy planning committee

By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New Hampshire this tenth of May, 2021. 2014 Dockets. The PUC earlier in the month denied a three . Section Puc 307.06 - Interconnection Agreements. dg 20-152 liberty utilities (energynorth gas) corp. d/b/a liberty utilities—keene division winter 2020-2021 cost of gas commission staff's objection to liberty's motion for rehearing of or. de 21-041 petition for approval of default service solicitation and proposed default service tariff unitil energy systems, inc., ("ues" or . New Hampshire's Public Utilities Commission is making funding cuts that will impact the NH saves program and could lead to layoffs. About Us. The N.H. News Recap for Dec. 16, 2021: Omicron in N.H ... Commissioners will be present in the hearing room and will use a web-enabled platform to conduct the hearing.Members of the public who wish to access the hearing . Welcome | New Hampshire Judicial Branch 3/15/2010. Advanced search and personalized email notifications. Across the Merrimack River in Northfield and Franklin and Land Owned by the State of New Hampshire in Franklin, Order Nisi Granting License. de 19-057 motion to reject the department of energy staff's audit communicati. With the recent creation of the Department of Energy, the Public Utilities Commission will be transitioning the Executive Director's email to the Clerk's Office at the PUC. PUC makes controversial funding cuts New Hampshire Attorney Gen., 169 N.H. 509 (2016). B y Donald M. Kreis, Consumer Advocate at the New Hampshire Office of the Consumer Advocate. 2009 Dockets. Section Puc 307.03 - Reports to Commission. New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Puc - Public Utilities Commission, CHAPTER Puc 600 - RULES FOR WATER SERVICE, PART Puc 607 - RECORDS, REPORTS AND ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS PUC's Energy Efficiency Decision Is Shortsighted ... odx-searchbox-label. Please contact the to report any non-functioning links. Search Results | - New Hampshire 2013 Dockets. Dianne Martin To Direct Administrative Office of the ... Search New Hampshire Court Records By Name Online - InfoTracer BRIEF-Unitil- New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission ... NHPR's Alli Fam discusses the first cases of the Omicron variant in New Hampshire and NHPR's Mara Hoplamazian updates us on the Public Utilities Commission's order to decrease funding for energy . Docket Number A-2016-2562463 | PA PUC Skip to content 6/2/2010. New Hampshire also became the latest state in the region to explore grid modernization, with the PUC's Investigation into Grid Modernization (IR 15-296), as required by a legislative directive to implement goals of the state's 10-year energy strategy. Utilities. The . Docket# : 21-093 . Notice of Intervention and Comments of the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the Maine Office of Public Advocate. MPUC. The $180 million grant program will help New Jersey schools and small businesses repair or replace HVAC systems and plumbing fixtures to meet health and safety standards, dedicating at least $135 million in funding to underserved communities. Search for Jobs ; E-edition; State's utilities, advocates ask PUC to reconsider energy order . Details of the complaint are provided along with an upcoming remote hearing session. Given the full plate of the PUC and other stakeholders, work on this docket has been put . Plaintiffs-appellants, a group of power producers, challenge the district court's dismissal of their suit to enjoin defendant-appellee, New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC), from ordering a disclosure of their business and financial data. ER10-787-000. New Hampshire Legislative Service Requests (LSR's) P o wer to the People is a column by Donald M. Kreis, New Hampshire's Consumer Advocate. New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Puc - Public Utilities Commission, CHAPTER Puc 600 - RULES FOR WATER SERVICE, PART Puc 607 - RECORDS, REPORTS AND ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS, Puc 607.04 - Meter Records ORDERED, that the Commission will hold a prehearing conference in this matter at its offices located at 21 S. Fruit St., Suite 10, Concord, New Hampshire, on July 28, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Section Puc 307.04 - Uniform System of Accounts. Although the New Hampshire PUC ruled narrowly in both decisions, the law subsidizing state biomass generators at above-market rates is the latest in a series of recent state actions pushing the jurisdictional line between FERC and state authority (see, e.g., April 27, 2016 edition of the WER; September 25, 2018 edition of the WER; October 3 . The Court has looked at the Reporters Committee Case, decided under FOIA, to rule that absent a specific provision requiring disclosure, records subject to the Statute must show "what its government is up to. November 30, 2021, 2:54 AM. After months of inaction that advocates say has hurt jobs and businesses, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission is reopening the record on a delayed state energy efficiency plan.. Preservation of Records (a) A CLEC shall preserve all records required by Puc 200 and 400 for a period of 2 years unless a stricter requirement is specified in these rules. Section Puc 307.04 - Uniform System of Accounts. New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission . 2017 Dockets. 2015 Dockets. Abenaki is wholly owned by its parent company, New England Service Company (NESC), which is a Connecticut corporation. Our Mission: To preserve the rule of law and protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions, the courts will provide accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, with respect for the dignity of all we serve. November 30, 2021 - Hearing on the nomination of Mark D. Attorri to serve as Justice for the New Hampshire Superior Court. New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Contact Information. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. Section Puc 202.02 - Docket and Calendar of Hearings (a) The executive director shall: (1) Maintain a docket of all adjudicative and rulemaking proceedings pending before the commission; (2) Keep a complete record of all the proceedings of the commission, including all books, maps, documents, and papers filed with the commission, and orders issued by the commission; (3) Maintain a record of . Selected dockets for previous years . Call us at 1-800-692-7380 or contact us online . state of new hampshire before the public utilities commission public service company of new hampshire d/b/a eversource energy notice of intent to file rate schedules docket no. Executive Director . (9) The New Hampshire veterans' home. Abenaki operates in New Hampshire as a regulated public water utility, as defined in RSA 362:2. Our core function is to ensure that Maine citizens have access to safe and reliable utility services at rates that are just and reasonable for customers and public utilities, while also helping achieve reductions in state greenhouse gas emissions. The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission failed to establish that business customers of a utility had a privacy interest at stake in regard to disclosure of their names and street addresses; accordingly, the Right-to-Know Law mandated disclosure of the names and addresses. Over the past two weeks, daily cases went down 5%, while over the same period they went up 48% in Maine and 22% in Massachusetts. Advanced search and personalized email notifications. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources stating proposed project will have no effects on historic resources - May 9, 2016. Section Puc 307.08 - Reporting during Wide Scale Emergencies. Docket. Email Addresses Welcome to the Maine Public Utilities Commission website. Petition for License to Construct and Maintain Electric Lines Over and. PDF 65 kb. Public Utilities Commission March 19, 2014 Page 4 of 4 In addition to RSA 91-A, CLF also invokes the New Hampshire Constitution (Part I, Articles 8 and 22) and the U.S. Constitution (First Amendment) in support of its right to access the above-referenced public records. for rehearing "and all other matters in this docket." . Abenaki serves approximately 720 customers in Bretton Woods, Bow, Gilford, and Belmont, New Hampshire. Clean Energy New Hampshire, energy efficiency contractors and the Town of Hanover sued the PUC, asking a court to issue a stay on the order and return energy efficiency funding back to 2020 levels. News. Search. Today is her first day in that post. Expert insights from our policy team. Aquarion Company is the public water supply company for more than 700,000 people in 68 cities and towns in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. - 85370 bytes [application/pdf] - Wed, 04 May 2016 . 1 PUC requested the information for a study conducted pursuant to section 712 of the federal Energy Policy Act of 1992, 16 U.S.C. 5/12/21. Order and Notice of Prehearing Conference and Final Adjudicative Hearing - May 6, 2016 (8) [Repealed.] NJBPU Launches Grant Program to Improve Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation in Schools and Small Businesses. Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion for Restrictive Treatment of Medical Records - May 6, 2016. 1230-81 and 2084-82 for tax years 1981 and 1982 were consolidated by agreement of the Taxpayer and the Town. PA Public Utility Commission regulates the services you rely on: electric, natural gas, pipeline, motor carrier, rail, telecomm, water and wastewater. New Hampshire is very dependent on fossil fuels from cars to electricity and the state's energy policy from this administration certainly favors it over renewable energy. role the New Hampshire Public . Clean Energy New Hampshire plans to file a petition in New Hampshire Superior Court asking the judge to put the PUC's order on hold and to return funding to 2020 levels. § 2621(d) (10). New Filings By Week December 27 to January 2, 2022 December 20 to December 26, 2021 December 13 to December 19, 2021 December 6 to December 12, 2021 Advanced Search Enter Search Request Go New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10 Concord, N.H. 03301-2429 Phone: (603) 271-2431 The Public Service Company of New Hampshire (hereafter PSNH) v. Londonderry cases, Docket Nos. According to the PUC, when the agency conducts a rate proceeding - i.e., when it is trying to determine what charges a monopoly utility like Eversource, Liberty, Unitil, or Aquarion Water may impose on its captive customers - the case is what the PUC referred to on October 8 as a "legislative" docket. Name New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Address 21 South Fruit Street, 10 Concord, New Hampshire, 03301 Phone 603-271-2431 Fax 603-271-3878 The Hole at the Heart of the PUC's Heartless Order on Energy Efficiency. This relates to DG 15-155.My reasons are several and . New England is fossil fuel dependent for electricity as about 60 percent is generated by burning natural gas and this winter that is going to be a problem. DE 21-064. 2016 Dockets. New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Puc - Public Utilities Commission, CHAPTER Puc 700 - RULES FOR SEWER UTILITIES, PART Puc 706 - RECORDS, REPORTS AND ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS Records — Right to Inspect — Particular Parties EL07-38-000. New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Puc - Public Utilities Commission, CHAPTER Puc 200 - PROCEDURAL RULES, PART Puc 202 - OPERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS, Puc 202.02 - Docket and Calendar of Hearings New Hampshire. On Monday, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission issued an order clarifying its November decision to drastically reduce funding for energy efficiency over the next two years. Please use the form on this page, or follow this link to the new Docket Search page. Document Search It's an election year, and with that come a number of bills related to how New Hampshire runs elections. * unitil-on may 2,new hampshire public utilities commission issued final order in docket no. Dec. 26—IT'S TOO EARLY to pop any champagne corks, but the numbers of daily COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in New Hampshire have dipped recently. Records may be kept in any format Puc 512.16. PDF 30kb. Although every effort is made to keep this information current and accurate, it may take several days for information to be posted to the web site. before the new hampshire public utilities commission unitil energy systems, inc. petitioner ) ) ) ) ) docket no. Acadia Center Comments on Maine PUC Docket 2020-00344 Comments in Response to Commission's Straw Proposal In February 2021, Acadia Center submitted written comments in response to Maine Public Utilities Commission Docket 2020-00344 Inquiry into Performance Metrics and Regulatory Mechanisms for Transmission and Distribution Utilities. odx-searchbox-label Submit your search Close. 18 . Use the Infotracer search tool to quickly and easily find court records in the state. (7) The judicial council. Kreis and his staff of four represent the interests of residential utility customers before the NH Public Utilities Commission and elsewhere. Ohio Public Utilities Commission. (b) Records shall be available for examination in New Hampshire by the commission during business hours. Expert insights from our policy team. At the heart of last Friday's . But before leaping into that hole, let's start with wisdom from media critic and New York . Docketbook 2021. The [department of energy] public utilities commission shall retain its authority to regulate the safety, vegetation management, emergency response, and storm restoration requirements for poles, conduits, ducts, pipes, pole attachments, wires, cables, and related plant and equipment of public utilities and other private entities located within . top-search Display the search box. Menu. 2012 Dockets. New Hampshire law says . The PUC's Heartless Order. CR 2021-008 Initial Petition; CR 2021-008 Initial Petition Attachments A broad coalition formally requested on Friday that the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission reconsider its recent decision to cut funding for state energy efficiency programs over the next two years and that the decision - which they said would . for rehearing "and all other matters in this docket." . The NH Public Utilities Commission's offices are located in the Walker Building in Concord. Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby. FERC Filings. Pursuant to RSA 374:8, each utility shall maintain and preserve its accounts and records in conformity with the "Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to Provisions of the Federal Power Act" issued by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy. Filing Date. Please contact the to report any non-functioning links. Service List - Docket Related. Consumers. ($47,307-$66,729) Scope of Work: Responsibility to oversee docketing, distribution of litigated cases, investigation, license, registration and compliance filings; ensuring compliance with Commission procedural filing rules by staff and the . 2011 Dockets. Section Puc 307.05 - Short Term Debt. Power to the People is a column by Donald M. KREIS, New Hampshire's Consumer Advocate. But only one commissioner signed off on that decision - and that's a problem according to a state law requiring a quorum of at least two commissioners. Beginning on July 1, 2021, please address docket filings going forward to the Chair rather than the Executive Director. Documents and Rules. On Monday, the . Section Puc 307.02 - Preservation of Records. PowerSuite allows you to search, track, and collaborate on energy legislation and regulatory proceedings from across the country: Complete coverage of every state Public Utility Commission (PUC), all 50 state legislatures, and US Congress. 6. Clean Energy New Hampshire and local contractors held a press conference Monday pushing back against the Public Utilities Commission after funding cuts. Recently, the Public Utilities Commission put forward a proposal that would essentially gut any meaningful attempts at energy efficiency in New Hampshire (PUC Order 26.553, Docket DE 20-092 . PUC makes controversial funding decision. As part of its responsibilities, the RMB staff bar-codes, scans, and stores incoming legal documentation in a manner that assures both prompt and efficient public access as well as complete and thorough archived records. New Hampshire Bulletin. Petitioner. Clean Energy New Hampshire and several private energy contractors are asking the judge to halt an order by the Public Utility Commission to cut funding for the New Hampshire Saves program. The New Hampshire Judicial Branch announces that Dianne Martin of Deerfield has assumed the position of Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). . Professional Firefighters of New Hampshire v. Help Center. 2010 Dockets . State Employee Pay Search Calendar Year 2020 (26 pay periods) 2019 (26 pay periods) 2018 (26 pay periods) 2017 (26 pay periods) 2016 (26 pay periods) 2015 (26 pay periods) 2014 (26 pay periods) 2013 (26 pay periods) 2012 (26 pay periods) 2011 (26 pay periods) 2010 (26 pay periods) 2009 (27 pay periods) Submit your search. 2018 Dockets. Puc 435.01. Search for Jobs ; E-edition; State's utilities, advocates ask PUC to reconsider energy order . state of new hampshire public utilities commission docket no. CR 2021-008 (formerly PUC DE 21-111) PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DBA EVERSOURCE ENERGY, Petition for License to Construct and Maintain Electric Lines Over and Across State Owned Land in Hooksett and Public Waters in Manchester (09/28/2021) CR2021-008 Order of Notice. Printed: 5/10/2021. Clean Energy New Hampshire, energy efficiency contractors and the Town of Hanover sued the PUC, asking a court to issue a stay on the order and return energy efficiency funding back to 2020 levels. Insult to Injury at the PUC. By. Melanie Sandoval, Bureau Chief of Records Management. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. 2008 Dockets. Section Puc 307.07 - Reliability Reporting. In addition, PWW is requested to be prepared to address its water supply capacity beyond March of 2022, and whether summer or drought conditions would Transportation. Format. Home. Description. Events. Motion for Leave to Answer and Answer of the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the Maine Office of the Public Advocate to the Answers of ISO New England Inc. and Indicated Suppliers. Below is a notification of the PUC's Order of Notice. . If you are having difficulty finding anything please contact the Clerk's Office by calling the main phone number 603-271-2431 and ask for the Clerks Office. My very first job, with Associated Press, involved taking 700-word news accounts . Kreis and his staff of four represent the interests of residential utility customers before the NH Public Utilities Commission and elsewhere. Search NH Court Records Online. The Department of Energy also asked for a return to those funding levels, while the decision is reconsidered. Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy. dg 17-070, distribution base rate case filed on june 5,2017 The Public Utilities Commission cannot issue an order unless there is a quorum of at least two commissioners, according to Consumer Advocate Don Kreis. Debra A. Howland. The Docket Search page has changed. top-help Go to the help page. Using a New Hampshire public records name search, you can access hundreds of court cases throughout the state including Hillsborough County, Rockingham County, York County, Concord, Merrimack, and Merrimack County. Docket #. 100,000 New Hampshire households request free at-home COVID-19 test kits, exhausting supply Public Utilities Commission makes controversial funding cuts COVID-19 in New Hampshire: Town-by-town . At the heart of last Friday's astonishing, destructive, and radical order from the Public Utilities Commission is a gaping hole. (5) The department of revenue administration. Welcome to the New Hampshire Judicial Branch. MPUC. role the New Hampshire Public . STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES is seeking a full-time (37.5 hr week) Law Clerk, Public Utilities Commission (Program Specialist III). It is the largest investor-owned water utility in New England and among the seven largest in the U.S. Based in Bridgeport, CT, Aquarion has been in the public water supply business since 1857. . The Records Management Bureau (RMB) maintains all PRC record files and general files in both paper and electronic formats. Vermont had a 16% decline in cases, while Connecticut (up 59%) and Rhode Island (up 40%) soared. The Town of Exeter joined the municipal complaint due to the frustration of multiple double-poles being left and unaddressed within the town. > Welcome | New Hampshire veterans & # x27 ; s complaint provided! In Franklin, Order Nisi Granting License License to Construct and Maintain Electric Lines Over and NESC ), is... Woods, Bow, Gilford, and Belmont, New Hampshire Office of Public Advocate // '' > Hampshire! Bureau ( new hampshire puc docket search ) maintains all PRC record files and general files in both paper and electronic.... 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